Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks
One of the largest intact ecosystems on earth
The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is one of the largest nearly intact temperate ecosystems on Earth - with 22 million acres spanning Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.

Abundant Wildlife & Outdoor Adventure Year-round
This Ecosystem encapsulates both Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park and is home to the largest concentration of wildlife in the lower 48 states, including: elk, bald and golden eagles, osprey, trumpeter swans, sandhill cranes, deer, grizzly and black bears, bison, mountain goats, bighorn sheep, antelope, moose, badgers, wolves, wolverines, mountain lions, coyotes, and trout.
Grand Teton National Park, the entrance to the Grand View River Ranch, is 485 square miles of stunning, semi-arid landscape including rivers, alpine lakes, and hundreds of species of wildlife, flanked by the iconic jagged Teton mountain range with its peaks reaching 13,775ft. It’s a wonderland for mountain climbing, hiking and backpacking, boating and viewing wildlife.
Yellowstone National Park, situated just 45 miles from GVRR, comprises nearly 3,500 square miles of wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. A prized travel destination for people all over the world, its most famous features include dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs, and the notorious gushing geysers.

The Grand Teton is the obvious climbing objective. A lifetime of climbing, scrambling, and backcountry skiing abound in Jackson.

The National Parks and Forests are an outdoorsman's playground.

A local big horn sheep herd rests upon the bouldered hills adjacent to the ranch.
You'll see plenty of wildlife here, from elk, moose, deer, marmots, and more.